Keep up with the latest RCIIS policies. We update them according to identified needs.
Our good standing policy provides a system that assists in ensuring that students maintain a satisfactory level of attendance, behaviour, and course participation while studying at RCIIS.
Maintaining good standing requires:
• Satisfactory attendance and punctuality in a given class
• Completion of coursework and assessments
• Satisfactory behaviour in and outside of the classroom
Good standing is lost when a student:
• is absent for more than 5 consecutive days per session
• is absent for more than 3 days per session (English for Academic Purposes only)
• fails to complete the course work or assessments without a satisfactory explanation
• behaves in a way that is inappropriate for staff and students
Good standing privileges are reinstated when:
• All absences are satisfactorily explained with a note from a Walk in Clinic or hospital
• All missed work or assessments are completed or demonstrated to the relevant teacher within the negotiated time
• The behaviour management issue is satisfactorily resolved with both teacher and student
Good standing procedural summary
• Stage 1: 3 unexplained or unsatisfactory absences and/or non-completion of course work -> Verbal Warning from teacher
• Stage 2: 5 consecutive unexplained or unsatisfactory absences and/or noncompletion of course work or assessments without satisfactory explanation to the school -> Removal from the class by the school administrator
Last update on January 18, 2023 at 14:13 PM
Honesty and fairness are expected to be upheld by students, teachers, and staff members of RCIIS. This document identifies a summary of offences and penalties for cases of alleged violations.
Academic honesty offences
Offences under this policy include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, falsification, impersonation and misrepresentation. Academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic assignment or exam. It can include:
• Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of original creations of another author (person, collective, organization, community or another type of author, including anonymous authors) without due acknowledgment.
• Deception: Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise—e.g., giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have submitted work.
• Cheating: Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise (like an examination) without due acknowledgment.
• Impersonation: assuming another student's identity with the intent to provide an advantage for the student.
• First offence: The penalty for a first academic offence is normally a grade of “0” on the assignment or evaluation in which the offence occurred.
• Second offence: The penalty for the second academic offence is normally an "F" in the course where the offence occurred. If a second offence takes place you must see the Academic Director if you wish to be accepted back into the class.
Last update on August 21, 2023 at 14:27 PM
Administrative withdrawal from the school may be considered for the following reasons:
• Student request
• Failure to pay required school tuition or fees
• Emergency administrative withdrawal
Administrative withdrawal
Student request for withdrawal
A student wishing to withdraw from the school should submit a signed request to the school administrator. Please see the refund policy for further details regarding refund eligibility.
Withdrawal for failure to pay fees
A student may be suspended from class if they fail to pay their tuition or fees. If the student has paid their tuition in full, they may resume their studies. There will be no time banked or refunds for the time missed due to the withdrawal.
Emergency Administrative Withdrawal
If, in the opinion of an RCIIS staff member, a student exhibits behaviour that creates or presents an unreasonable risk to the physical or mental health of that student or others, the director of the school may recommend an emergency administrative withdrawal from the school.
Emergency administrative withdrawal will be temporary until the incident that precipitated the leave can be fully investigated. Afterwards, the student will either be reinstated or permanently dismissed from the school.
Academic dismissal
Students may be academically dismissed from a course or program for the following reasons:
• A student violates the Academic Honesty Policy
• A student does not comply with the rules and requirements of all RCIIS classes
• A student fails to maintain good academic standing
• A student is absent for 5 consecutive days without notifying the school
• An EAP student is absent for more than 3 days in a single session
If a student is academically dismissed from a specific program, they are able to change courses depending on the severity of the dismissal, current class sizes, and course availability.
Non-Academic dismissal
Students can be dismissed from the school based on the following reasons:
• Students who fail to adhere to the RCIIS government-approved readiness plan (including quarantine, health and safety rules, or reopening guidelines) will be notified in writing that they have been dismissed from the institute effective immediately
• Any student caught using alcohol or drugs will be notified in writing that they have been dismissed from the institute effective immediately. Alcohol and drug abuse pose a threat to the health and safety of RCIIS staff, and students and to the security of our facilities.
• RCIIS has a zero-tolerance policy for cases of physical, sexual, or mental abuse. Students who are found to have violated this rule will be dismissed from the school and will not be allowed to appeal the decision.
Last update on January 20, 2023 at 11:58 AM
Admission requirements
In order to study in Canada, you may need a study permit, and/or a temporary resident visa, though not everyone must have these documents.
Please carefully read the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website or consult with the Canadian High Commission in your country.
To obtain your entry visa to Canada, you must present a valid passport and a Letter of Acceptance from RCIIS to Canadian authorities. You must also be prepared to show that you have sufficient financial recourses to cover the cost of your stay and your studies while here.
Policy and Procedures for Language Proficiency
English proficiency
We welcome students of all educational backgrounds who are interested in improving their English at RCIIS.
The following chart provides some general guidelines for the required English proficiency for entry into our programs.
• ESL Foundation: Elementary
• Power Speaking 1: Pre-Intermediate
• Power Speaking 2: Intermediate
• Power Speaking 3: Intermediate / Upper-Intermediate
• Power Speaking 4: Upper-Intermediate
• Advanced Discussion: Contemporary Issues: Advanced
• Pre-Academic 1: Pre-Intermediate
• Pre-Academic 2: Intermediate
• Pre-Academic 3: Upper-Intermediate
• Pre-Academic 4: Upper-Intermediate / Advanced
• IELTS preparation: Upper-Intermediate
• English for Academic Purpose: Higher Intermediate to Advanced
English Level Placement
In order for your entry into RCIIS to be accurate, our academic staff will administer an English proficiency placement test on your first day of school. This test is comprised of speaking, listening, reading, and writing components to ensure the utmost accuracy.
Prospective students can also take our online test to give an indication of their current level of English. From this estimate, our counselors will give you a prediction of how long you need to register. According to this level, we will be able to give you an approximate timeline of how many levels they should reach in order to complete their program.
Last update on February 9, 2024 at 12:30 PM
At RCIIS, attendance is taken very seriously. For many of our school programs, attendance is an essential factor when deciding on a passing grade. All new students will receive a copy of this policy in their orientation package on their first day of school.
The following is the school’s attendance policy:
1. There are only 3 absences (including sick days) allowed for each session. If a student knows in advance that they will be absent, they must get prior permission from the instructor but it will still be counted as an absence. If a student is absent for many days, their grades will be negatively affected.
2. In-class sickness will be dealt with at the teachers’ discretion
3. Every 3 days late = 1 absence
4. Morning and afternoon classes begin at 9 a.m. or 2 p.m. sharp. If a student arrives after 9 a.m. or after 2 p.m. they will be considered late. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late, the student will be unable to attend the class until the break time.
5. If a student is absent from their program without written notice to the school administrator for more than 5 consecutive days, they will be temporarily removed from the course list. Upon their return, they may try another available class or choose to be placed on a waiting list until there is adequate room.
6. On the final afternoon of each session, morning classes will end 30 minutes early.
7. Students who register for more than 12 weeks may take one (1) vacation during their studies. It is highly recommended that vacation requests be made two (2) weeks prior to the start of your vacation in order to ensure that it is processed and approved in time. If you do not meet either of these requirements, any vacation requests will be subject to an administrative fee of $100. This vacation may be up to a maximum of four weeks. Academic students who take a vacation must be aware of their course start and end dates and plan their time accordingly. Beyond 4 weeks, any additional days will be treated as absences.
8. Students registered in Intensive Packages will not be entitled to credits or extra time if they decide not to attend their afternoon classes.
9. Students who plan to extend their time at RCIIS should do so at least 1 week before the end of their studies and make their payment before restarting.
10. Students who wish to switch from in-person to online status must get approval from the Academic Director and can send a request using the communication option in their student portal.
Last update on February 9, 2024 at 12:30 PM
Grading varies from one program to another depending on course content and learning outcomes. At the beginning of each course, teachers will provide students with a program outline detailing the basis on which the final grades are assigned.
As a general rule, students are required to achieve 70% in any given class in order to advance to the next level.
The following table is the general grade scale used for RCIIS programs:
• Outstanding: 90% - 100%
• Excellent: 81%- 89%
• Good (Pass): 70% - 80%
• Improving, but needs work: 60% - 69%
• Unsatisfactory: 0% - 59%
Last update on February 8, 2024 at 09:14 AM
The registration fee and all placement fees are non-refundable in ALL cases.
Tuition and material fees are non-transferable.
Students have a 48-hour contract cancellation period before signing the registration contract. Please consider when applying that student authorization or visitor visas may take up to several weeks to process.
Special promotion discounts are non-refundable and this will be indicated on the invoice.
Students who are refused entry to Canada must provide the OFFICIAL REFUSAL LETTER which is associated with the most recent LOA before a refund can be processed.
After RCIIS receives the refusal letter, the student will receive a 100% refund of tuition and material fees.
The registration fee will be deducted, and a $200 PAL fee will be deducted if a PAL has been issued.
If you cannot provide the official refusal letter from IRCC associated with the most recent Letter of Acceptance (LOA), no refund will be made.
If the registration fee was waived as part of a promotion, and your study permit was rejected, a fee of $175 will be deducted from the total refund amount.
PAL fees are non-refundable.
If RCIIS receives written notice of withdrawal from the student, the following amounts will be deducted:
Withdrawal Notice | Total Tuition Fee | Total Material Fee
31 calendar days or more before the start date | 25% | 25%
30 calendar days or less before the start date | 50% | 50%
If the school does not receive written notice of cancellation or deferral, the student's attendance will be counted from the original starting date in every case. If you withdraw after deferring RCIIS will deduct a deferral fee (refer to IV. DEFERRALS) in addition to the cancellation fee.
Based on how much of the course has been completed the following amounts will be deducted:
Program Completion | Total Tuition Fee | Total Material Fee
0-10% | 50% | 50%
11-30% | 70% | 70%
31%+ | No refund | No refund
For students studying as part of a package, there will be no refunds for the cancellation of individual programs within the package.
In the case of a deferral there will be an additional charge based on the table below:
Deferral | Before the start date | On or after the start date
First time | 10% of tuition and material fee | 25% of tuition and material fee (*RCIIS will determine when you can start)
Additional times | 20% of tuition and material fee | 30% of tuition and material fee (*RCIIS will determine when you can start)
Deferral requests must be given to RCIIS in writing.
Students absent from class for 5 or more consecutive days without notifying the school in writing, will be removed
from the class list and may have to re-enter the program. Tuition and material fees cannot be extended during
unapproved absences for any reason.
If a student applied through an authorized representative of RCIIS, the student must request and obtain refunds
directly from that representative. RCIIS assumes that students have read and consented to the RCIIS Refund
Policy when applying through their agents.
Health insurance policy purchase fees are non-refundable.
Accommodation and airport pick-up placement fees are non-refundable.
Time | Deduction
30+ days | Placement fee
14-29 days | Placement fee + 30% of homestay fee
0-13 days | Placement fee + 50% of homestay fee
If you decide to leave homestay after check-in you must notify us in writing at least 4 weeks before you are
planning to leave. From the time we receive your notice we will deduct 4 weeks plus a $200 administrative fee.
Service and urgent fees, if applicable, are non-refundable.
Cancellation and refund policies for any additional residence fees charged by the residence agency will adhere to
the agency's specific guidelines. For the most up-to-date information, we kindly advise reaching out to the
residence agency directly.
All refund requests must be submitted via the Agent Portal if the student applied through an authorized representative of RCIIS, or via the Student Portal if the student applied directly to the school.
All refunds will be processed based on the original method of payment.
All refund amounts will be calculated based on the total tuition and material fee and homestay fees invoiced to
the student.
If for any reason, a student is dismissed from RCIIS, no refund will be made.
Last update on January 28, 2025 at 13:01 PM
If there are any concerns or issues while studying at RCIIS, our students are always encouraged to talk to their teachers directly. We understand, however, due to the language barrier or cultural differences, it might be hard for ESL students to communicate directly with their teachers. Instead, students can communicate with their counsellors regarding any formal complaints or concerns.
For academic appeals:
Please send a communication to the Academic Director via the student portal. The Academic Director will respond to your communication.
There are three grounds that can be used to submit an academic appeal request.
1. Medical: Make sure that your medical situation was connected to the assignment of grades and performance in the course. (Documentation or proof may be required).
2. Compassionate: If a personal situation such as the death of a loved one impacted your ability to perform in class.
3. Procedural Error: Procedures were not followed and this has affected your grade or final result.
Please note: If an assignment is reevaluated, it is possible that the previous mark will change. Keep in mind that the mark could go up OR down depending on the evaluator and assignment criteria.
For academic complaints:
Please send a communication to the Academic Director via the student portal. The Academic Director will respond to your communication.
The Academic Director will contact the teacher in question and have a constructive conversation with them in order to attempt to resolve the problem(s) or dispute(s).
Throughout this process, the student can (at any time) speak to their counselor and continue to give feedback regarding the situation orally.
A decision regarding the complaint will be reviewed by either the Academic Director or Director of the school within a reasonable amount of time.
Most complaints will be handled within one or two weeks of the submission, but others may take up to a maximum of 4 weeks to resolve based on the complexity of the issue.
All final decisions will be issued via the student portal to the complainant and be recorded in the school’s complaint log.
For non-academic complaints:
After a counsellor feels a reasonable written complaint has been made, or multiple students make the same complaint, they will inform the student to submit a completed written complaint via the student portal.
The school administrator will respond to the complaint in writing within 48 business hours with either proposed solutions or informing any actions or if further investigation is needed.
If the complaint is resolved, the school administrator will provide a written response to the complainant outlining the discussion and any proposed and/or agreed upon solution(s) within 5-10 business days of the meeting. This response will include a decision statement, together with the reasons on which the decision is based.
This timeline for responds and solution can be varied on the severity of the issue or/and authenticity of information being presented by the complaint. All complaints must be received and sent electronically and will be saved in our school database.
For non-academic appeals:
In the case that a student feels that there was either a procedural error or there was clear evidence of bias or discrimination in the final decision, they may request an official appeal.
*Dissatisfaction with the school’s policies or decisions in and of themselves is not sufficient grounds to appeal a decision.
An appeal request must be made within 2 weeks of the final decision and must be submitted in writing to either the director or academic director. This appeal must contain the reasons why the original decision was unsuitable as well as a proposal for an alternative solution.
After receiving the appeal request, the director and academic director will review the reasons for the appeal and consider the merits of the alternative solution presented. After fully evaluating the appeal request, a decision will be made within a maximum of 4 weeks. The decision regarding the appeal will be submitted in writing to the student in question via email.
Should a student feel their issue was not solved by RCIIS, they can contact Languages Canada directly:
Last update on February 9, 2024 at 12:30 PM
I have read and understood the RCIIS Attendance Policy. I understand that:
1. There are only 3 absences (including sick days) allowed for each session. If a student knows in advance that they will be absent, they must get prior permission from the instructor but it will still be counted as an absence. If a student is absent for many days, their grades will be negatively affected.
2. In-class sickness will be dealt with at the teachers’ discretion
3. Every 3 days late = 1 absence
4. Morning and afternoon classes begin at 9 a.m. or 2 p.m. sharp. If a student arrives after 9 a.m. or after 2 p.m. they will be considered late. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late, the student will be unable to attend the class until the break time.
5. If a student is absent from their program without written notice to the school administrator for more than 5 consecutive days, they will be temporarily removed from the course list. Upon their return, they may try another available class or choose to be placed on a waiting list until there is adequate room.
6. On the final afternoon of each session, morning classes will end at 12:30 and we will have a graduation ceremony.
7. Students who wish to switch from in-person to online status must get approval from the Academic Director and can send a request using the communication option in their student portal.
8. Students registered in Intensive Packages will not be entitled to credits or extra time if they decide not to attend their afternoon classes.
All in-person students in academic classes will be required to purchase paper versions of any necessary textbooks, workbooks, or materials that are used during their class session.
Students who register for more than 12 weeks may take one (1) vacation during their studies. All vacation requests must be received at least two weeks prior to the start of your vacation time. If you do not meet either of these requirements, any vacation requests will be subject to an administrative fee of $100. This vacation may be up to a maximum of four (4) weeks.
Academic students who take a vacation must be aware of their course start and end dates and plan their time accordingly. Beyond four weeks, any additional days will be treated as absences.
If a student is sick or unable to come to school for an extended period of time, they may take a vacation as long as a valid medical note is presented to the school administrator.
Students who plan to extend their time at RCIIS should do so at least 1 week before the end of their studies and make their payment before restarting.
Students must inform the school before taking any vacation. If a student fails to do so and doesn’t come to class for 3 weeks or more, all immigration reports will indicate: “no longer registered or enrolled in the school”. This determination could negatively affect any possible visa extensions.
Please note: When taking a vacation, students must ensure their visa remains valid and that they have sufficient health insurance to cover their entire period of study. If students plan on taking a vacation outside of Canada, they should request a Letter of Enrolment (LOE) before departure.
Students must always speak English while at RCIIS. Students must not be heard speaking their native language or any other language besides English anywhere inside the school including the front lobby elevator area.
I understand that the Royal Canadian Institute of International Studies (RCIIS) requires all students to speak only in English while at school. Our school follows a strict three-strike policy:
• Strike 1: The student will receive a verbal warning and email regarding the English Only Policy.
• Strike 2: The student will receive a verbal warning and email regarding the English Only Policy.
• Strike 3: The student will be asked to leave the school for one day.
School certificates are not given out automatically. Students must meet all course requirements and follow the school’s attendance policy.
Students that wish to receive an RCIIS certificate should apply using their student portal.
Certificates will be ready within 3-5 business days of receiving the request.
Honesty and fairness are expected to be upheld by students, staff, and faculty of RCIIS.
For most RCIIS courses, students will require a passing score of 70%.
The penalty for a first academic honesty offence is normally a grade of “0” on the work in which the offence occurred.
The penalty for the second academic honesty offence is normally an "0" in the course where the offence occurred. You must send a communication to the academic director for reinstatement in the program.
Students who wish to address any concerns or comments can speak with our teachers and counsellors. If the issue persists, students can send a communication to the Academic Director who will take further actions to remedy the situation.
The Government of Canada does cover medical costs for foreign students. It is mandatory for our students to have health insurance while studying at RCIIS. Students must present proof of health insurance before beginning their studies.
Smoking is NOT permitted in front of or behind the building at any time.
Make sure you are at least 10 meters away from the building doors when smoking.
RCIIS is a drug-free environment; drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.
Students can connect to the school’s Wi-Fi by using the current password. Students are NOT allowed to use their cell phones in class unless the teacher gives permission.
RCIIS students may NOT use the elevator. Only students with assistive devices or mobility issues may use the elevator with the permission of the school director.
RCIIS collects and uses personal information from our students in order to:
• Maintain a file of your personal information including contact details in case of an emergency.
• Collect statistics for the sole use of RCIIS’s business development.
• Communicate with an agent or third-party organization acting on a student’s behalf in their country of origin.
• Communicate with the Canadian federal government with regard to student attendance and/or proof of advancing in a program of study.
RCIIS may take images of students to promote the school or its programs in print or online. This includes, but is not limited to, brochures and flyers, the RCIIS website, partner website, and social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
• All students must follow any announcement to leave the school immediately. Students must remain with their teacher and leave the school promptly and safely.
• Students must not gather their bags and belongings; they must leave immediately with the teacher.
• Students must never use the elevator during an evacuation.
• If you are eating lunch or not in class, make sure to go directly to the meeting area (Outside TD Bank).
• Students must not go back inside the building until the fire department says that it’s safe.
• Teachers and students will meet at the gathering area afterward for a head count (outside of TD bank).
• *Fire/emergency escape plans will be displayed prominently throughout the school.
• Students are responsible for their own learning plans. Staff will not provide reminders or updates to you.
• Students must treat other students, faculty, and staff with mutual respect and dignity.
• Students must not harass others, sexually, verbally, or psychologically.
• Students shall not discriminate against others based on age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, or sexual orientation.
It is important for students to inform the school of any change to their visa status. If this is the case, students need to bring their updated visas to the school administrator to update their records.
To be notified of school events, activities, and cancellations, we highly recommend that you follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Activities can also be found on our website at
Last update on March 28, 2025 at 14:57 PM
Upon entering RCIIS, students agree to:
• Treat other students, teachers, and staff with mutual respect and dignity
• Not harass others, physically, sexually, verbally, or psychologically
• Not discriminate against others on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, or sexual orientation
• Keep the school administrator informed of any changes in name, address, email address, telephone number or visa status
• Comply with all the rules and requirements of all RCIIS classes
• Attend the classes on a regular basis (cannot be absent more than 3 days per session)
• Inform the school administrator of his/her vacation period one week in advance
• Uphold and obey the laws of Canada and the City of Toronto
• Meet the financial obligation to the school in a timely manner
Students have the right to ask RCIIS to:
• Provide a safe and comfortable environment for students
• Enforce school rules consistently for all students
• Provide students with clear and concise course expectations and instructions
• Have access to the course learning outcomes, requirements, and academic policies set by RCIIS
Teachers or RCIIS staff members who believe that a student has not adhered to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy will bring the matter to the attention of the director or academic director. When there is evidence that a student has violated the Student Rights and Responsibilities policy, the student will be notified in writing of the nature of the alleged violation and the action that the school proposes to take.
Disciplinary actions
In response to violations of the Student Rights and Responsibilities policy, RCIIS reserves the right to take any or all of the following actions:
• Assign a failing grade for an examination or course
• Withhold course grade(s) and/or examination score(s) and official RCIIS certificates
• Take other actions (including removal from the class/school) as deemed appropriate by the school director.
Last update on February 9, 2024 at 12:30 PM
While studying at RCIIS, teachers keep records of attendance, grades, and final evaluations for all of their students. Reports and transcripts will be provided to all students via their student portal after they complete a given class at RCIIS or on their graduation date from the school.
If a student wishes to receive a certificate of completion from a class at RCIIS, they must apply for it at least one (1) week in advance. This application can be found on the school website:
Students who fail to complete all course outcomes, or were absent for more than three (3) days in any given session may not be eligible to receive certification for that course. If a student studies at RCIIS for a short amount of time (3 weeks or less) they may not be eligible to receive a standard RCIIS certificate. In these cases, students may apply for a certificate of attendance, which will indicate the course and duration of the study.
Certificate validation:
Regardless of having a physical copy, all RCIIS certificates will be valid for one year from the course completion date. If a student returns to RCIIS after an RCIIS certificate is no longer valid, a student may need to retake our English placement test or prove their English proficiency (Academic IELTS equivalency).
For pathway partners some certificates are valid for a period of 2 years and others are longer. Please refer to our partner page for more details.
Last update on February 9, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Policy Statement
RCIIS supports and encourages our students to use the internet to enhance their overall learning experience. Online activities assist students in achieving specific learning outcomes and provide an opportunity for collaboration. Students registered at RCIIS must agree to act within the framework of this document.
The term “Intellectual Property” is the result of intellectual or artistic activity, created by an institute member in a scholarly, professional or student capacity that can be owned by a person. Specifically, this includes inventions, publications (including scholarly publications), educational materials, computer software, works of art, industrial and artistic designs, as well as other intellectual property rights (creations) that can be protected under legislation including, but not limited to patent, copyright or trade-mark, integrated topography, industrial design laws, and/or through a trade secret.
With regards to intellectual property, students agree NOT to:
Copy exact words, phrases, sentences, assignments, exams, graphics, or images from articles on the internet or the homework or presentations from RCIIS graduates.
Violate intellectual property laws by posting material containing quotes or references to others' ideas without accurately and appropriately citing the source of the material.
Use of RCIIS names/logos
Any and all use of the school name, logos, and/or other marks for commercial or personal purposes is prohibited unless approved by the school Director.
Last update on January 19, 2023 at 10:18 AM